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코드 블럭
#include "KakaoGameV4.h"

// Called when the game returns to the foreground
// Register with ApplicationHasEnteredForegroundDelegate so that SDK Resume can be called.
FCoreDelegates::ApplicationHasEnteredForegroundDelegate.AddUObject(this, &UApplicationWidget::Resume);

FKGTApplication::Resume(FKGTResultDelegate::CreateLambda([=](FKGTResult result) {
	if (result.IsSuccess())
		// [TODO] If the resume is successful, resume the game screen.
		// [TODO] If the resume fails, ifnavigate it'sto anthe authenticationlogin failure,screen goif toit’s thean loginauthentication screenfailure; otherwise, show an error popup and check whether if the user wants to retry.
		if (result.Code == FKGTResultCode::AuthFailure || result.Code == FKGTResultCode::IdpAuthFailure)
			// [TODO] InIf casethe ofstart authenticationfails failure,- moveInitialization tofailed, theso startyou screenshould andeither performretry the start newor loginclose flowthe againapp.
			// [TODO] If other errors occur, provide an error notification and retry the resume. If the issue persists, close the app.


코드 블럭
#include "KakaoGameV4.h"

// Set the IdpCode for the login
EKGTIdpCode idpCode = EKGTIdpCode::Kakao;

// Log in with a specific IDP
FKGTPlayer::Login(idpCode, FKGTResultDelegate::CreateLambda([=](FKGTResult result)
  if (result.IsSuccess())
    // The current Player's ID issued by the platform
    FString playerId = FKGTPlayer::GetCurrentPlayer().GetPlayerId();

    // Platform access token
    FString accessToken = FKGTPlayer::GetAccessToken();

    // Retrieve the current IDP authentication information
    FKGTIdpProfile idpProfile = FKGTPlayer::GetCurrentPlayer().GetIdpProfile();
    // [TODO] Since the login was successful, proceed to the game screen.
    // IDP login or platform login failed
    // [TODO] If login fails, inform the user and prompt them to retry.

    int32 resultCode = result.GetCode();

    if (resultCode == FKGTResultCode::NetworkFailure || resultCode == FKGTResultCode::ServerTimeout || resultCode == FKGTResultCode::ServerConnectionFailed)
      // [TODO] If a network error occurs, notify the user that the start failed due to a network issue and prompt to retry.
    else if (resultCode == FKGTResultCode::Forbidden)
      // [TODO] During the CBT period, authentication may not be possible for users who are not allowed. Provide an appropriate notification to the user.
    else if (resultCode == FKGTResultCode::UserCanceled)
      // [TODO] Since the user canceled during the login process, the login screen should be maintained.
      // [TODO] If other errors occur, notifyprovide an theerror usernotification and prompt the themuser to retry thelogging loginin. It is necessary to check the error code and logs to determine the cause.


코드 블럭
#include "KakaoGameV4.h"

// The bridgeToken received through the launcher
FString bridgeToken = "";

FKGTPlayer::LoginWithBridgeToken(bridgeToken, FKGTResultDelegate::CreateLambda([=](FKGTResult result)
  if (result.IsSuccess())
    // The current Player's ID issued by the platform
    FString playerId = FKGTPlayer::GetCurrentPlayer().GetPlayerId();
    // Platform access token
    FString accessToken = FKGTPlayer::GetAccessToken();
    // Retrieve the current IDP authentication information
    FKGTIdpProfile idpProfile = FKGTPlayer::GetCurrentPlayer().GetIdpProfile();
    // Additional information received through the launcher
    TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> bridgeTokenPayload = FKGTPlayer::GetCurrentPlayer().GetBridgeTokenPayload();
    // [TODO] Log in to the game server and proceed to the game screen
    // Handle login failure.
    // [TODO] 로그인If 실패login fails, 사용자inform 안내the user and 시도prompt 하도록them 하여야to 합니다retry.
    int32 resultCode = result.GetCode();
    if (resultCode == FKGTResultCode::NetworkFailure || resultCode == FKGTResultCode::ServerTimeout || resultCode == FKGTResultCode::ServerConnectionFailed)
      // [TODO] If a network error occurs, prompt the user to retry logging in.
    else if (resultCode == FKGTResultCode::Forbidden)
      // [TODO] During the CBT period, authentication may not be possible for users who are not allowed. Display a notification to the user, and after clicking confirm, implement the app to exit.
    else if (resultCode == FKGTResultCode::UserCanceled)
      // [TODO] Since the user canceled during the login process, the login screen should be maintained.
      // [TODO] If other errors occur, provide an error notification and prompt the user to retry logging in.
      // It is necessary to check the error code and logs to determine the cause.


코드 블럭
#include "KakaoGameV4.h"

// Display the view to set KakaoTalk game message reception preferences
FKGTKakaoTalk::ShowSetting(FKGTResultWithIsAllowMeDelegate::CreateLambda([=](FKGTResult result, bool isAllowMe)
  if (result.IsSuccess())
    // Successfully set KakaoTalk game message reception preferencessettings
    // isAllowMe - Whether message reception is allowed as per the settings
  else if (result.GetCode() == FKGTResultCode::NotKakaoTalkUser)
    // The logged-in user is not a 'KakaoTalk' user. (For cases where the user is not a KakaoTalk user)
    // Failed to set KakaoTalk game message reception preferencessettings

Retrieve KakaoTalk Profile


코드 블럭
#include "KakaoGameV4.h"

// Retrieve game friend list
FKGTKakaoTalk::Friends(FKGTResultWithPlayerListDelegate::CreateLambda([=](FKGTResult result, TArray<FKGTPlayer> playerList)
  if (result.IsSuccess())
    // Successfully retrieved KakaoTalk game friendfriends list.
    for (FKGTPlayer player : playerList)
      FKGTIdpProfile idpProfile = player.GetIdpProfile();
      FKGTKakaoFriendProfile *kakaoFriendProfile = (FKGTKakaoFriendProfile*)&idpProfile;
  else if (result.GetCode() == FKGTResultCode::NotKakaoTalkUser)
    // The logged-in user is not a 'KakaoTalk' user. (For cases where the user is not a KakaoTalk user)
    // Failed to retrieve KakaoTalk game friendfriends list

Sending KakaoTalk Game Messages


코드 블럭
#include "KakaoGameV4.h"

// Kakao friend profile retrieved through the friends API
FKGTKakaoFriendProfile *kakaoFriendProfile;

// [TODO] Set the template ID
FString templateId = TEXT("");

// [TODO] Set the parameters for the message template
TMap<FString, FString> argumentDic;
argumentDic.Add(TEXT("${nickname}"), kakaoFriendProfile->GetNickname());
argumentDic.Add(TEXT("rog_link"), TEXT("test=100&hello=20111"));

// Send a KakaoTalk game message
FKGTKakaoTalk::SendGameMessage((*kakaoFriendProfile), templateId, argumentDic, FKGTResultDelegate::CreateLambda([=](FKGTResult result)
  if (result.IsSuccess())
    // Successfully sent the KakaoTalk chat message
    if (result.GetCode() == FKGTResultCode::MessageSettingDisabled)
      // The recipient has set up message reception to be disabled
    else if (result.GetCode() == FKGTResultCode::ExceedDailyUsage)
      // ExceededOccurs when the daily quota for ofsending messages that can be sent by one person forto a specific app (regardless of the recipient) is exceeded.
    else if (result.GetCode() == FKGTResultCode::ExceedMonthlyUsage)
      // ExceededOccurs when the monthly quota offor sending messages that can be sent by one person to a specific recipientperson for a specific app is exceeded.
      // Failed to send the KakaoTalk chat message


코드 블럭
#include "KakaoGameV4.h"

// [TODO] Set whether to display inas a popup window
bool isSingle = true;

// [TODO] Set whether to display inas a popup window
bool isPopup = true;
// [TODO] Set the template ID
FString templateId = TEXT("");

// [TODO] Set the parameters for the message template
TMap<FString, FString> argumentDic;
argumentDic.Add(TEXT("${nickname}"), TEXT("nickname"));

FKGTKakaoTalk::SendInviteMessage(isSingle, isPopup, templateId, argumentDic, FKGTResultWithKakaoUserListDelegate::CreateLambda([=](FKGTResult result, TArray<FKGTKakaoUser> users)
  if (result.IsSuccess())
    // Successfully sent KakaoTalk invite message
    for (FKGTKakaoUser user : users)
      // Check the list of users to whom the invite message was sent
    // If all failed (need to return a common cause)
    if (result.GetCode() == FKGTResultCode::MessageSettingDisabled)
      // The recipient has set up message reception to be disabled
    else if (result.GetCode() == FKGTResultCode::ExceedDailyUsage)
      // ExceededOccurs when the daily quota for ofsending messages that can be sent by one person forto a specific app (regardless of the recipient) is exceeded.
    else if (result.GetCode() == FKGTResultCode::ExceedMonthlyUsage)
      // Occurs Exceededwhen the monthly quota for ofsending messages that can be sent by one person to a specific recipientperson for a specific app is exceeded.
      // Failed to send KakaoTalk chat message
