버전 비교

  • 이 줄이 추가되었습니다.
  • 이 줄이 삭제되었습니다.
  • 서식이 변경되었습니다.


코드 블럭
#include "KakaoGameV4.h"

// [TODO] Set whether to display as a popup window
bool isSingle = true;

// [TODO] Set whether to display as a popup window
bool isPopup = true;
// [TODO] Set the template ID
FString templateId = TEXT("");

// [TODO] Set the parameters for the message template
TMap<FString, FString> argumentDic;
argumentDic.Add(TEXT("${nickname}"), TEXT("nickname"));

FKGTKakaoTalk::SendInviteMessage(isSingle, isPopup, templateId, argumentDic, FKGTResultWithKakaoUserListDelegate::CreateLambda([=](FKGTResult result, TArray<FKGTKakaoUser> users)
  if (result.IsSuccess())
    // Successfully sent KakaoTalk invite message
    for (FKGTKakaoUser user : users)
      // Check the list of users to whom the invite message was sent
    // If all failed (need to return a common cause)
    if (result.GetCode() == FKGTResultCode::MessageSettingDisabled)
      // The recipient has set message reception to be disabled
    else if (result.GetCode() == FKGTResultCode::ExceedDailyUsage)
      // Occurs when the daily quota for sending messages to a specific app (regardless of the recipient) is exceeded.
    else if (result.GetCode() == FKGTResultCode::ExceedMonthlyUsage)
      // Occurs when the monthly quota for sending messages to a specific person for a specific app is exceeded.
      // Failed to send KakaoTalk chat message

Adding a KakaoTalk Channel

발췌문 삽입
Kakao Integration Feature SDK Example
Kakao Integration Feature SDK Example
