연동가이드 >https:/wiki/spaces/KS4GFP/pages/533463104kakaogames.atlassian.net/wiki/x/TA8GLw
목차 |
minLevel | 1 |
maxLevel | 1 |
outline | false |
type | list |
printable | false |
This API allows the delivery of a message request to another user through the message delivery server.
코드 블럭 |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"messageId": "c21c6dfe-c13b-46ff-9946-961d28beb914"
} |
Retrieve a list of messages delivered to the message delivery server.
코드 블럭 |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"status": 200,
"desc": "OK",
"content": {
"nextPageKey": -1,
"messages": [
"appId": "103815",
"senderId": "admin",
"receiverId": "990566329112884",
"message": {
"deliverySeq": 21519071,
"messageId": "6fec1bc2-e3b2-4fd2-a31e-6c192154f61e",
"messageBoxId": "inbox",
"senderAppId": "103815",
"senderId": "admin",
"receiverAppId": "103815",
"receiverId": "990566329112884",
"title": "0802 Reward",
"body": "0802 Reward",
"titleMap": {},
"bodyMap": {},
"resourceMap": {},
"state": "unread",
"regTime": 1690939713000,
"modTime": 1690939713000,
"readTime": null,
"expiredTime": 1691544513000,
"expiryTime": 1691544513000
"items": [
"itemId": "f0d1aea9-2c9c-43fd-b227-cd315799b216",
"itemCode": "worldcon",
"itemName": "Worldcon",
"quantity": 5,
"state": "registered",
"sentCount": 0,
"regTime": 1690939713000,
"modTime": 1690939713000,
"sentTime": null,
"confirmedTime": null,
"expiredTime": 1691544513000,
"expiryTime": 1691544513000,
"validityTime": 604800000
"existUnconfirmedItems": true
"totalCount": 1,
"maxCount": 1000000
} |
Notifies the platform server to request the receipt of items included in the message.
When this API is called, the list of items to be delivered is returned, and the status is changed to 'In Delivery (Processing Delivery)'. After the process is completed, you must call /message/finish to set the status to completed, thereby concluding the transaction.
코드 블럭 |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"results": [
"messageId": "6fec1bc2-e3b2-4fd2-a31e-6c192154f61e",
"status": 200,
"receiverId": "990566329112884",
"senderId": "admin",
"resourceMap": {},
"items": [
"appId": "103815",
"itemCode": "worldcon",
"quantity": 5,
"itemId": "f0d1aea9-2c9c-43fd-b227-cd315799b216",
"validityTime": 604800000,
"senderId": "admin"
} |
Called after the game server has successfully processed the item delivery following the /message/claim.
코드 블럭 |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"results": [
"messageId": "6fec1bc2-e3b2-4fd2-a31e-6c192154f61e",
"status": 200
} |
Marks the message as read.
코드 블럭 |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
} |
After the item delivery is completed, this call changes the message status.
코드 블럭 |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"results" : [
"messageId" : "3729694e-913b-4b29-94ef-36fd66f44ce8",
"status" : 200
"messageId" : "4234554e-783b-b4g4-3f43-nfc34987fn38",
"status" : 200
} |
Changes the message status to 'Deleted'.