Upgrade to iOS SDK 3.15.0 or later
The Facebook SDK has been updated in KakaoGameSDK module. So the Facebook client token must be set in info.plist when using Facebook login through KakaoGame Facebook module.
If you are using iOS SDK versions 3.14.4 to 3.14.13 and you are using the SignInWithApple of the KakaoGameSDK
If you log in to Apple from that version, there will be a 503 error when you log in, so you need to upgrade to version 3.14.14 or higher.
If you are using an iOS SDK version 3.13.1 or earlier and you are using Kakao Friend List
From June 30, 2022, you have to upgrade to version 3.13.3 or higher because there is a change in the talkOS information when inquiring about Kakao's friend list.
If you are using the iOS SDK version 3.10.4 and you are using Sign In With Apple authentication
In this case, there have been some changes while applying iOS 12 or lower, so you need to upgrade to 3.10.6 or higher.
Upgrading the iOS SDK from 3.9.6 to 3.10.0
Kakao-related modules are separated and distributed from version 3.10.0
Import header needs to be added when using Kakao-related functions
#import <KakaoGameKakao/KakaoGameKakao.h>
Upgrading the iOS SDK from 3.9.5 to 3.9.6
No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.9.6
Upgrading the iOS SDK from 3.9.4 to 3.9.5
No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.9.5
Upgrading the iOS SDK from 3.9.3 to 3.9.4
No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.9.4
Upgrading the iOS SDK from 3.9.2 to 3.9.3
No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.9.3
Upgrading the iOS SDK from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2
No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.9.2