16.1.2 Retrieving language tag
The language setting information in the device is retrieved. The language tag returns a value in accordance with the BCP-47 codes. (SDK 3.17.5 or higher)
16.1.3. Retrieving country code
Devices supporting 3g/LTE return a country code issued by the communication module. WIFI-only devices return a country code set in the device. (SDK 3.7.0 or higher) For wifi-only devices, the country code is collected based on GeoIP. If it fails to import GeoIP, it will be collected as the country information of the device.
The country code is in accordance with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, and returns
if there is no country informationThe country code set in the first app execution will remain. If the app or app information is deleted, the country code is re-set
4. Getting Device ID
Device ID returns a value which is used to identify the device. It changes when the device is reset.
5. Getting Device Model
The model information of the current device is returned.
6. Getting OS name
The name of OS (android/ios) of the current device is returned.
7. Getting network connection status
Shows whether the current device is connected to an external network.
8. Get connected network type
Shows what type of external network is connected to the current device. (wifi/cellular/unknown)