Upgrading the Unity SDK to 3.19.0
The recommended Unity Editor version has been updated to 2022.3.22f1 or higher due to modifications related to the iOS Privacy Manifest in KakaoGameSDK.
Minimum requirements related to the Privacy Manifest:
Unity version 2021.3.36f1, 2022.3.21f1, 2023.2.13f1 or higher (https://forum.unity.com/threads/apple-privacy-manifest-updates-for-unity-engine.1529026/)
If using version 2021.3.36f1, there is a Gradle version issue (https://kakaogames.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KS3GFC/pages/413467727/KakaoGameSDK+Android#Android-SDK%EB%A5%BC-3.19.0%EC%9C%BC%EB%A1%9C-%EC%97%85%EA%B7%B8%EB%A0%88%EC%9D%B4%EB%93%9C ), so you must use at least 2021.3.37f1. (https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.3/Documentation/Manual/android-gradle-overview.html )
After updating the version, version compatibility related to Gradle changes, and you must not continue using the existing Gradle but apply a new one. The 'com.android.tools.build:gradle' version needs to be updated in the baseProjectTemplate.gradle file.
Upgrading the Unity SDK to 3.15.0
As newtonsoft-json is used for internal logic, you need to install the json package yourself.
https://kakaogames.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KS3GFC/pages/413468804/1.1.+Unity+SDK 설치 | 1+Installation# 패키지 설치-Installation-(SDK-3.15.0 이상-or-later)
The Facebook SDK has been updated, so adding the Facebook Client Token has been changed to be mandatory.
https://kakaogames.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KS3GFC/pages/413632605/2.1 페이스북 | 2+Facebook#2.1.2. 페이스북 개발자 센터(클라이언트 토큰 확인) SDK -Facebook-Developer-Center-(Client-Token-Settings)---SDK-3.15.0 이상 버전 적용 시 설정 필요-or-later-versions-require-setting
It has been added so that you can set the Facebook Client Token in the Editor.
https://kakaogames.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KS3GFC/pages/413468804/1.1.+Unity+SDK 설치 | 1+Installation# 페이스북 정보 설정.7.-Facebook-information-setting
The SDK automatically changes the main activity to KGUnityPlayerActivity.
To change the main activity, you can open KGSharedData.json and set the customManifest
to true
Upgrading the Unity SDK to 3.14.6
Behavior Changes on Android 12
In SDK 3.13.3, you should modify your settings to support Android 12 Behavior.
explictly-declared value for android:exported
Changed AndroidManifest.xml
Main Activity, AuthCodeHandlerActivity, AgeAuthActivity
declare android:exported=”true”
declare android:exported=”false”
Changed compileSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion to 31
Changed Android Gradle Plugin Version to 4.0.1 and Gradle Version to 6.1.1Upgrading the Unity SDK to 3.13.3
Gradle Version
If you are using Unity 2020.3.15f1, 2021.1.16f1 or later, no other settings required
Changed Android gradle version to 6.1.1
Gradle 6.1.1 download
Set the downloaded gradle 6.1.1 folder in Unity.
After downloading the gradle to another place, set the gradle folder in the Unity settings.(Preferences > External Tools > Android > Gradle Installed with Unity)