버전 비교

  • 이 줄이 추가되었습니다.
  • 이 줄이 삭제되었습니다.
  • 서식이 변경되었습니다.


코드 블럭
import com.kakaogame.KGTPlayer;
import com.kakaogame.KGTResult;

// Logout request
KGTPlayer.logout(activity, false, result -> {
	if (result.isSuccess()) {
		// Logout successful

		// [TODO] Return to the start screen
	} else {
		// Logout failed



발췌문 삽입
탈퇴 Unregistration SDK 예제Example탈퇴
Unregistration SDK 예제Example

Unregistering Without Using the Default Unregistration UI

발췌문 삽입
탈퇴 Unregistration SDK 예제Example탈퇴
Unregistration SDK 예제Example


코드 블럭
import com.kakaogame.KGTKakaoTalk;

Retrieve the count of friends to whom I sent an invite message


코드 블럭
import com.kakaogame.KGTKakaoTalk;

import com.kakaogame.KGTPlayer;
import com.kakaogame.KGTKakaoFriendProfile;

// [TODO] Event Id.
int eventId = 0;

// Retrieve the list of friends to whom I sent an invite message.
KGTKakaoInvitation.joiners(eventId, result -> {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
        // Successfully retrieve the list of friends.

        // Retrieve the list of players I have invited.
        KGTKakaoInvitation.KGTInvitationJoinersResponse joinersResponse = result.getContent();

        // List of players who have joined the app, including those who have left.
        List<KGTPlayer> joiners = joinersResponse.getPlayers();

        if (joiners.isEmpty()) {
            // No users have joined the app.
        } else {
            // There are users who have joined the app.
            for (KGTPlayer player : joiners) {
                // Recipient’s player ID
                String playerId = player.getPlayerId();

                KGTKakaoFriendProfile kakaoProfile = (KGTKakaoFriendProfile) player.getIdpProfile();
                // Recipient’s nickname
                String nickname = kakaoProfile.getNickname();
                // Recipient’s profile thumbnail image
                String thumbnailImageUrl  = kakaoProfile.getThumbnailImageUrl();

                // Recipient’s withdrawal history inquiry. Use the corresponding flag when displaying the withdrawal status information in the UI.
                boolean isUnregistered = kakaoProfile.isUnregistered();
    } else if (result.getCode() == KGTResult.KGTResultCode.NOT_KAKAOTALK_USER) {
        // The logged-in user is not a 'KakaoTalk' user. This occurs when the user is only registered with KakaoStory and not KakaoTalk.
    } else {
        // Failed to retrieve the list of friends.

Retrieve the count of friends to whom I sent an invite message

발췌문 삽입
Kakao Integration Feature SDK Example
Kakao Integration Feature SDK Example

코드 블럭
import com.kakaogame.KGTKakaoInvitation;

// [TODO] Event Id.
int eventId = 0;

KGTKakaoInvitation.receiversCount(eventId, result -> {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
        // Successfully retrieve the count of friends to whom I sent an invite message.

        // Retrieve the number of friends I have invited.
        KGTInvitationReceviersCountResponse response = result.getContent(); 

        int total = response.getTotalReceiversCount();
        int joinersCount = response.getJoinersCount();
    } else if (result.getCode() == KGTResult.KGTResultCode.NOT_KAKAOTALK_USER) {
        // The logged-in user is not a 'KakaoTalk' user. This occurs when the user is only registered with KakaoStory and not KakaoTalk.
    } else {
        // Failed to retrieve the count of friends.