21. KakaoTalk Invitation (3.9.0 under)

Guide you how to implement KakaoTalk Invitation in your game

Who are KakaoTalk invitation targets?

  • Invitation targets are KakaoTalk friends who have never been authenticated for the game app. 

  • The Kakao profile data of the KakaoTalk invitation targets among KakaoTalk friends can be queried.

KakaoTalk Friends list

  • To send a KakaoTalk message to a user's KakaoTalk friend, you need to bring up a friend list.

    • There are separate APIs for getting friends who have joined the game and for getting non-friends. Please use it according to the purpose.

    • Friends list is sorted by nickname.

  • Friends lists are cached on the server.

    • Please note that the server's cache expiration time is 10 minutes, but it may change depending on the API policy.

  • Please refer to "21.1.3. Finding KakaoTalk recommended invitation target list" document for friend list based on recommended invitation.

KakaoTalk Invitation Message

  • KakaoTalk invitation messages can be sent only to KakaoTalk invitation targets.

  • Messages can be sent only if a message template has been registered in Kakao Game Center’s game management.

    • A message template must be generated for each purpose.

    • Generated message templates are applied following an approval process.

    • The statement in the template can be dynamically updated using tags and through substitution in the client.

    • Caution!!! If including the sender’s nickname, use the nickname in the user’s KakaoTalk profile so the invitation is sent with the latest KakaoTalk nickname.

Precautions when Implementing KakaoTalk Invitation Message Sending

  • Refer to the receiver’s talkOs (OS data of the device registered in KakaoTalk) value when sending a message.

    • talkOs has a character string value of “android” or “ios.”

    • Make sure that the function is implemented so that an invitation message is not sent if an invitation target uses an OS that is not supported by the game.

    • Use the exact friend data obtained from the list when sending an invitation message.

  • It is recommended the OS data currently supported is saved in the server.

    • Save the currently supported OS data in the server and implement so the values are compared.

    • If the values are stored in the client, the client of the previous OS version must be updated when a game for a later OS version is introduced for the invitation message to be sent successfully.

    • For example, if an AOS version game is also released for iOS, “ios” must be added as a supported OS in the AOS version client for the message to be sent successfully. Therefore, the AOS version client may also need to be upgraded.

  • Do not process with ErrorCode.

    • If the returned ErrorCode is processed after an invitation is sent instead of referring to talkOs, the message may be sent to users of OS versions that are not officially available if there is a difference in launch date between OSs.

  • You can send an invitation only once a month per one person.

    • If you send an invitation message and send the invitation message again within a month, an error is returned.

    • Since the friend does not have a playerId before running the game, it can be managed by using KGKakaoProfile.getUUID().

      • The 'serviceUserId' has been deprecated. Do not use it in new games because there are some users who do not have this values.