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« 이전 버전 3 다음 »

Upgrading the Android SDK to 3.13.3


  • Behavior Changes on Android 12

  • In SDK 3.13.3, you should modify your settings to support Android 12 Behavior.

    • explictly-declared value for android:exported

      • Safer component exporting

      • Changed AndroidManifest.xml

        • Main Activity, AuthCodeHandlerActivity, AgeAuthActivity

          • declare android:exported=”true”

        • KGFirebaseMsgService

          • declare android:exported=”false”

    • Changed compileSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion to 31

    • Changed Android Gradle Plugin Version to 4.0.1 and Gradle Version to 6.1.1Upgrading the Unity SDK to 3.13.3


  1. Gradle Version

    1. If you are using Unity 2020.3.15f1, 2021.1.16f1 or later, no other settings required

    2. Changed Android gradle version to 6.1.1

      1. Gradle 6.1.1 download

      2. Set the downloaded gradle 6.1.1 folder in Unity.

        1. After downloading the gradle to another place, set the gradle folder in the Unity settings.(Preferences > External Tools > Android > Gradle Installed with Unity)

Upgrading the Unity SDK from 3.10.x to 3.10.11


  • Starting from version 3.10.11, iOS framework was installed to install iOS framework through cocoapod when building ios.

    • Can install KakaoGame related framework through cocoapods

    • Basic compatible version guide for 3rd-party framework facebook / google framework

    • Or it can be set so that the developer can apply the desired version

  • Guide

    1. Select Unity menu> Assets> External Dependency Manager> iOS Resolver> Settings

    2. Cocoapods Integration> Select Xcode workspace> OK

    3. Specify the framework version to install as cocoapods in Assets/Kakaogame/Editor/KakaoGameDependencies.xml file

      1. Packages that are distributed are prepared based on the version that is linked to the base.

      2. You can modify and apply the version desired by the developer within a compatible range

        KakaoGame Dependencies

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <iosPod name="FBSDKCoreKit" version="5.5.0" />
                <iosPod name="FBSDKLoginKit" version="5.5.0" />
                <iosPod name="FBSDKShareKit" version="5.5.0" />
                <iosPod name="GoogleSignIn" version="5.0.2" />
                <iosPod name="KakaoGameSDK/KakaoGame" version="3.10.11" />
                <iosPod name="KakaoGameSDK/KakaoGameFacebook" version="3.10.11" />
                <iosPod name="KakaoGameSDK/KakaoGameGoogle" version="3.10.11" />
                <iosPod name="KakaoGameSDK/KakaoGameKakao" version="3.10.11" />
      3. ex) Although FacebookSDK is specified as 5.5.0, it is okay to apply 5.6.0, but 6.0.0, which is a major version change, cannot be changed.

  • 레이블 없음