2.2. Google (Google Game)

2.2. Google (Google Game)

2.2. Google (Google Game)

This is only necessary if you are using Google Gaming authentication for the Google feature.

Please consult with the Kakao business manager in advance.

2.2.1. Google Developers Console

  1. Access the GoogleDevelopersConsole and click the 'Create Project' button to create the project.





  2. Select the 'Credentials' menu and click the "Create Credentials" button.


  3. Select the OAuth client ID.




  4. When creating the initial project, you must enter the OAuth consent screen and insert information.



  5. In creating a client ID, you need to generate IDs for three clients (web application, Andoroid, iOS).

    1. Web Application: No restriction is required, and the Client ID you have just issued can be added to the SDK settings.



    2. Android: Enroll by entering the certificate fingerprint information and app package name used to build the app. For Android, do not use the issued client ID, you do not need to save it.


    3. iOS: Enter the bundle ID of the iOS app to create it. You can add the issued client ID to the SDK settings.'


2.2.2. Google Play Developer Console

  1. Visit the Google Play Developer Console (https://play.google.com/apps/publish/ ), select the Games tab, and click the "Add New Game" button on the right.


  2. On the Game Services Settings screen, select "I already use Google APIs in my game", select the project you created in the Google Developer Console, select a category, and click the "Continue" button to register your game service.


    The number under the name of the generated game project is the Google App ID, and you have to register in the KakaoGameSDK.


  4. Select the linked app menu to register your Android / iOS app.


    1. When registering for Android, you can register the package name of the app.


    2. When you register for iOS, you can simply register your app's bundle name.


  5. Games that are not yet released can only be logged in through an account registered as a tester via Add Testers in the Testing menu.


2.2.3. If Google is not certified well, check out the points as below

  • Check if the registered package name on Google console was used when building an Android app.

  • Check if the registered keystore (sha-1) was used at the time of the build of the app.

  • Check that Google Play Console has added the account you use for authentication as a tester. After the app releases, it can be verified even if it is not registered as a tester.

  • Check if Unity has set the Web client ID created on the Google console. Android client ID should not be set.