Kakao Repository Issue

Kakao Repository Issue

In China, where Kakao Domain Repository is not accessible, you can solve it as follows.

-Download the aar files below.


-Remove storage settings.

project build.gradle

allprojects {     repositories {         google()         jcenter()           // Remove...         // maven {         //    url 'http://devrepo.kakao.com:8088/nexus/content/groups/public/'         //    name 'kakao'         //}         maven {             url 'https://s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com/kakao-sdk-release/release/'             name 'Kakaogames'         }     } }


-Add downloaded aar file to libs folder and modify dependencies as below.

app build.gradle

apply plugin: 'com.android.application'   ... repositories {     flatDir {         dirs 'libs'     } } dependencies {     // Insert downloaded aar files. May vary from version to version.     implementation (name: 'util-1.24.0', ext: 'aar')     implementation (name: 'common-1.24.0', ext: 'aar')     implementation (name: 'network-1.24.0', ext: 'aar')     implementation (name: 'auth-1.24.0', ext: 'aar')     implementation (name: 'usermgmt-1.24.0', ext: 'aar')     implementation (name: 'friends-1.24.0', ext: 'aar')     implementation (name: 'kakaostory-1.24.0', ext: 'aar')     implementation (name: 'message-template-1.24.0', ext: 'aar')     implementation (name: 'kakaotalk-1.24.0', ext: 'aar')     implementation (name: 'kakaolink-1.24.0', ext: 'aar')        implementation ("com.kakaogame:idp_kakao:$KAKAO_GAME_SDK_VERSION") {         exclude group: 'com.kakao.sdk'     }       ... }