(deprecated) 1. B2B exchange (/talk)
Please check the link below for the latest API.
(deprecated) /talk/voucher/create
A request for a B2B exchange voucher is made.
This API can be used only if there is a prior agreement with a Kakao PM.
This API is to be called from the server.
Request Headers
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
appId | String | Y | Game app ID |
appSecret | String | Y | Authentication key issued for each game |
Content-Type | String | Y | “application/json;charset=UTF-8” |
Authorization | String | Y | Authorization: KakaoAK {ADMIN_KEY} |
Request Body Parameters
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
voucherApiKey | String | Y | Voucher key |
isDuplicate | String | Y | whether it is duplicated or not (“Y” or “N”) |
Response Status Code
Status Code | Description | Details |
200 | Success | Normal |
400 | Bad Request | Request data not parsed. Lack of required parameters or parameter type error |
401 | Unauthenticated | Authentication failure (e.g., invalid appSecret) |
406 | Not Acceptable | Cannot be processed |
461 | Invalid Message Box | The Message Box requested with the messageBoxId does not exist |
500 | Internal Server Error | Server system internal error |
503 | Service Unavailable | Service unavailable (e.g., timeout between internal servers) |
Response Content
Name | Type | Description |
code | String | Result |
message | String | Processing message |
Example Request
POST /service/v3/talk/voucher/create HTTP/1.1
Host: openapi-zinny3.game.kakao.com:10443
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
appId: 103815
appSecret: 951b75bf17fe0885ab5106ba2a9f9bc9
playerId: 319921919896
Authorization: KakaoAK 11118035a320f23423585acae3ded1111
"voucherApiKey": "c26fc43d-05c7-4b37-ad61-27e0c3df90f0",
"isDuplicate": "Y"
} |
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"code": "0",
"message": "발송처리 되었습니다."
} |
(deprecated) /talk/emoticon/reward
A request for a mission reward emoticon is sent out.
This API can be used only if there is a prior agreement with a Kakao PM.
This API is to be called from the server.
Request Headers
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
appId | String | Y | Game app ID |
appSecret | String | Y | Authentication key issued for each game |
playerId | String | Y | User ID issued by the platform |
Content-Type | String | Y | “application/json;charset=UTF-8” |
Authorization | String | Y | Authorization: KakaoAK {ADMIN_KEY} |
Request Body Parameters
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
rewardEventCode | String | Y | Mission reward emoticon event code |
Response Status Code
Status Code | Description | Details |
200 | Success | Normal |
400 | Bad Request | Request data not parsed. Lack of required parameters or parameter type error |
401 | Unauthenticated | Authentication failure (e.g., invalid appSecret) |
406 | Not Acceptable | Cannot be processed |
461 | Invalid Message Box | The Message Box requested with the messageBoxId does not exist |
500 | Internal Server Error | Server system internal error |
503 | Service Unavailable | Service unavailable (e.g., timeout between internal servers) |
Response Content
Name | Type | Description |
code | String | Result |
message | String | Processing message |
Example Request
POST /service/v3/talk/emoticon/reward HTTP/1.1
Host: openapi-zinny3.game.kakao.com:10443
Authorization: KakaoAK temp3f036e2543b6596f141955441111
appId: 111111
playerId: 123412341234
appSecret: temp8d43622fc531bb2a9b3e91f11111
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
} |
Example Response
(deprecated) /talk/emoticon/send
A request to send brand emoticons. It is an API to send Kakao Friends emoticons only and cannot sent other emoticons.
Only games which have a prior agreement with Kakao to use Kakao Friends emoticons can use this API.
Request Headers
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
appId | String | Y | App ID |
appSecret | String | Y | App Secret |
playerId | String | Y | Player ID |
Content-Type | String | Y | "application/json;charset=UTF-8" |
Authorization | String | Y | Authorization: KakaoAK {ADMIN_KEY} ex) Authorization: KakaoAK 11118035a320f23423585acae3ded1111 |
Request Body Parameters
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
emoticonEventId | Integer | Y | ID of the brand emoticon to be sent |
Response Content
Name | Type | Description |
status | Integer | result Success if 200, failure if the value is not 200. In case of failure, check the reason in result. |
result | String | Result message |
Success: status - 200 / result - "ok"
playerID for non-Kakao authentication: status - 406 / result - "appUserId is empty"
playerID of a leaver: status - 406 / result - "appStatus is removed"
playerID without talkUserId: status - 406 / result - "talkUserId is null"
Invalid emoticonEventId: status - 400 / result - "not_exist_value"
Expired emoticonEventId: status - 400 / result - "expired_key"
Response Status Code
Status Code | Status Code explain | Status Code explain |
200 | Normality response | normality |
400 | Bad Request | Unparsed data. Missing required parameters or parameter type error.
401 | Unauthenticated | Authentication failed |
406 | Not Acceptable | Can not be processed |
461 | Invalid Message Box | The message box requested by messageBoxId does not exist. |
500 | Internal Server Error | Server system internal error |
503 | Service Unavailable | The service is unavailable. (e.g. timeout between internal servers) |
Example Request
Example Response