4. Unregistration

4. Unregistration


  • A unregistration is the process in which a user deletes all the information in the game, including personal information, with the aim to not use the game any longer.

  • A Unregistration button must be displayed in the game so that the user can unregistration if desired.

  • Since a ‘unregistration’ means the complete deletion of all user data, the data cannot be restored after a user ‘unregist’. 

    • In accordance to policy, however, log records are preserved for a limited period of time.

Unregistration Policy

  • For all games serviced on Kakao, the data of a unregistered account cannot be restored.

  • A new playerId is issued when a user attempts to rejoin the game (re-login) with the same account after unregistration from a game.

  • You can implement unregistration function according to your unregistration policy.

  • However, users who leave the game must call 'remove Open API' in order to apply the user unregistration processing to the Kakao game platform.


  • The client API is not provided.

  • /player/remove API should be called from the server. (See 4.1.2. /player)

Game Unregistration process

  1. The following shows the process after the user clicks “Unregister” button in the game.1. Relevant actions are taken in the game first.
    1) For immediate unregistration, delete the user’s game data and move to #3 (after closing the app or logging out the user based on the policy within the game).
    2) For games with a grace period for unregistration (e.g. 48 hours), the game may change the user’s status to “pending unregistration” or classify the user by using an identifiable method.

  2. How to handle users who attempt to log into the game using the same account during the grace period after clicking the Unregister button can also be addressed by the developer freely.

  3. The final user unregistration is processed.
    1) For immediate unregistration, call the /player/remove API from the game server and request final user unregistration to the KakaoGame platform.
    2) If there is a grace period for unregistration and that period has passed, delete the user’s game data and call the /player/remove API from the game server to request final user unregistration to the KakaoGame platform.

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